Test our E-mail Newsletter Sender Software at your personal VPS Server per price of 80 EURO monthly!
E-mail advertising is most effective easy and fastest method to advice your customers about a new products and services.
However, if you try to send couple of hundred e-mail messages at once, using a classic e-mail client software, you will have a problem! Why?
Your ISP is limited a number of connections to e-mail server and immediately will recognize you as spammer!
It is better if you have own e-mail server, but again you cannot bypass SPAM blockers.
Using our experience over 20 years in area of web software development, we made the next software tool which in the biggest measure eliminate a mentioned problems.
Look at basic characteristics of software we made:
1. E-mail speed sending adjustment
2. Automatic deleting of undelivered returned e-mails
3. Automatic deleting of non-existing or wrong e-mail addresses
4. Adjustment of sender name and e-mail address
5. Adjustment of e-mail message subject
6. Adjustment of HTML sending document
7. Confirmation of e-mail reception
8. Automatic Unsubscribe option
9. Dividing e-mail recepients by groups
10. Easy connection to your existing database
You have over one million of e-mail addresses in your database? No problem, our e-mail newsletter sender software will solve everything.